Sengezo Tshabangu saves Richard Moyo in Mat North as ZANU PF reduces margin

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ZANU PF matebeleland north province has managed to make up for its poor performance during the 2023 harmonised elections. The province only managed 4 seats out of 13 which was one of the lowest in the country. The province narrowly reduced the margin courtesy of Sengezo Tshabangu who recalled MPs triggering by- elections. The dismal Performance Reflects on Moyo’s Incompetence and Urgent Need for Change


Matebeleland North, a province in Zimbabwe, leaves many questioning the leadership abilities of Richard Moyo as they secured only 4 out of 13 available seats during the recent harmonized elections. The abysmal result has led to widespread criticism, with many calling for Moyo’s imminent departure from his leadership role in the province.


Critics argue that there are several more seasoned and capable senior party members in Matebeleland North who could better lead the province. Figures such as Mudenda and Gawule, among others, have been mentioned as potential replacements for Moyo. With a poor performance like this, it is evident that a change in leadership is urgently needed.


The ruling party, ZANU PF, suffered a significant blow as the poor performance in Matebeleland North cost them a two-thirds majority. This outcome indicates the dissatisfaction among voters and highlights the failures of Moyo’s leadership in the province.


It is essential to address these problems swiftly and effectively to prevent further decline in the party’s popularity before the next elections in 2028. The voters’ disapproval should serve as a wake-up call for the ruling party to assess their strategies and rectify the inadequacies in Matebeleland North.

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Furthermore, critics have raised concerns about Moyo’s lack of remorse or accountability for the province’s poor performance. During a recent media briefing, Moyo appeared unremorseful, sporting a smile and grinning despite the disappointing outcome. This kind of attitude only adds insult to injury for the residents of Matebeleland North and undermines their trust in Moyo’s ability to lead effectively.


This situation demands immediate attention from ZANU PF and Moyo’s superiors within the party. The citizens of Matebeleland North deserve competent leadership that can deliver results and secure a stronger representation for the province. It is high time for constructive action to be taken, which may include the resignation or reassignment of Richard Moyo.


As discussions about the future of Matebeleland North unfold, it is crucial to prioritize the concerns of the constituents. The province needs a leader who can revitalise its political landscape and effectively address the challenges it faces. This should serve as a turning point for ZANU PF to make the necessary changes and ensure a brighter future for Matebeleland North.

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