FULL TEXT: Chamisa a fleeing lily-livered wannabe dictator

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His pictures, photoshopped to give them a heavenly appearance, displayed on the stages to promote his unknown political outfit, reminded us of Mobutu Seseseko, Zaire/DRC corrupt dictator who forced TV evening news to begin with a scene of him descending from the cloud- filled skies.

Given the personality of cult being built around Nelson Chamisa amidst allegations of corruption and looting of party funds that led to the split of CCC, it is crystal clear that he belongs to the same league of well known world dictators like Mobutu Seseseko, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin… the list goes on.

Nelson Chamisa’s servants, probably the ones described by Sengezo Tshabangu as criminals around the President, that is, former triple C, Vice Spokesman, Ostellos Siziba and National Organiser, Amos Chibaya are running promotional campaigns held under the trees, private homes and halls. Nelson Chamisa is holed up somewhere in Harare, represented only by his photo- shoped images in the promotional meetings, keeping his supporters and colleagues guessing. Obviously waiting for the opportune time to show his shameless face.

It seems Mukomana the young man did not learn a single lesson from the failed strategy of ambiguity. The new organisation is founded on the same failed tactics that pitted him against his former comrades in the CCC.


Chamisa’s alleged girlfriend, Fadzai Mahere, who was the first to ditch CCC and Zimbabwe Parliament to follow Nelson Chamisa, does not know what is going on in the new party, and so are the other parliamentarians and former senior members of CCC who quit for Chamisa. They are already up in arms in protest for they have been muted and excluded from new party build up activities currently taking place country wide. Only 3 people know ie Nelson Chamisa and his yes men, Ostellos Siziba and Amos Chibaya. One thing must be made clear, Chamisa does no subscribe to collective leadership purely for purposes of controlling and stealing donor funds meant for the party. Who can trust Nelson Chamisa with money?

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Chamisa’s followers, I mean those who love him more than they love themselves, their spouses, their children and their country, must not cry foul. What they are receiving right now are bitter fruits of supporting a dictator and more are coming.

By the look of things, we can safely conclude that the new entity is the property of one and only, Nelson Chamisa. Anyone else’s views and opinions are not needed in the building and running of the new organisation. That includes the views and opinions of fellow comrades who have quit the CCC to follow him and his yes men, Ostellos Siziba and Amos Chibaya. Chamisa Chete Chete will run it single- handed. Siziba and Chibaya must be warned, they are not better than seasoned lawyers and politicians, Welshman Ncube and Tendai Biti who were sidelined by Nelson Chamisa, ditactors have no permanent friends but they use people as pawns.


The Fuhrer’s decisions are final, good or bad, must not be questioned. He must be allowed to register party property and open party bank accounts under his name or next of kin, withdraw party funds anytime for his private use, sleep and impregnate any woman of his choice within the party regardless of their marital status, disown, hire and fire any member at anytime. Additionally, no one in the party should be entitled to any position, only the Commander In Chief shall hold his unelected and uncontested position, assisted by a few unquestioning loyalist that he would have picked up. Anyone who will question the leader’s ways will be disowned and humiliated like Sengezo Tshabangu.

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If senior members gang up with the new and attempt to call the Commander in Chief to account, Nelson Chamisa who possesses the energy of an antbear (isambane) would quit and collapse the old organisation to build the new one. Behold the old wine in new wine skins!

God is not in it, is he?

Normally, MLO would not bother about Zimbabwean politicians, what they do and what they say. We know that they are a useless bunch of failures. But Nelson Chamisa attracts our full attention on account that he is a self exposed anti Matabele Shona supremacist who has no interests of Matabeles at heart.

He employs deception tactics of the highest oder to mislead unsuspecting Matabeles and use them as a launch pad for harvesting a few votes in Zimbabwe. That keeps his Shona supremacist project going so that he could collect millions of United States dollars from unsuspecting loyal party and Western donors, gain access to Matabeleland constituances to impose Shona candidates to empower and enrich them while oppressing Matabeles as per the 1979 Grand Plan.


The one man party Zimbabwe opposition organisations that keep on splitting on tribal lines, changing names and masquerading as our liberators when they are anti Matabele Shona supremacist projects must be rejected in Matabeleland like ZANU PF.


Matabeleland is not Zimbabwe and Zimbabwe is not Matabeleland.

Izenzo kungemazwi!

Israel Dube

MLO Secretary for Information and Public Affairs

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