Shock as Councillor Mpumelelo Moyo begs Chamisa to appoint him Bulawayo Acting Mayor

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In a shocking turn of events, CCC Councillor Mpumelelo Moyo of Ward 26, Emganwini, has made an earnest plea to CCC Leader Nelson Chamisa, urging him to interfere in the established procedures of the City of Bulawayo for the appointment of an Acting Mayor.

The dispute centers around the temporary absence of Mayor David Coltart, who is on leave, and the recall of Deputy Mayor Donaldson Mabutho by Interim Secretary General Sengenzo Tshabangu. Councillor Moyo, who also serves as the Chairperson of the Finance Committee, has expressed his desire to assume the role of Acting Mayor during Coltart’s leave. However, Coltart has initiated a special council meeting scheduled for Friday to elect an Acting Mayor through the city’s customary procedures.

Councillor Moyo’s message to the CCC Leader signifies his fervent appeal for Chamisa to exert his influence and sway the proceedings in his favor, despite the established protocols in place.

Councillor Moyo took to the Councillors update group, a platform for CCC councillors, to voice his concerns. In his message, he highlighted the need for continuity and the role of the Finance Chair in the absence of both the Mayor and Deputy Mayor. “I have no doubt I will make you proud, my President,” Moyo stated, emphasizing his readiness to take on the role of Acting Mayor.

The situation has raised questions about the ongoing disengagement of CCC members, as previously pronounced by Chamisa. In his message, Councillor Moyo expressed concerns about the potential disruption of the disengagement, as Coltart’s call for a special council meeting would require councillors to convene in the chambers, contrary to the current arrangement.

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Read his full Whatsapp message below:

I normally like talking about myself and avoid gossiping about others. However on this one I have no choice but to seek recourse from you Mayor Coltart is going away on leave and unfortunately Deputy Mayor has been temporarily recalled. By virtue of me being a finance chair I have to become an acting Mayor until Mayor Coltart comes back from his leave. The challenge now seems he does not prefer me and he has even called for special council tomorrow to elect an acting Mayor.

We are currently on disengagement as per your pronouncement and we have not been going to Chambers. However our Mayor seems to want us to break that tomorrow because of his agenda. This will cause even more confusion next week as people would argue that we were at Chambers the previous week. As per the norm where Finance Chair acts in the absence of both the Mayor and Deputy Mayor I am also willing to act in this capacity and I have no doubt I will make you proud my President.

Mandla Ndlovu

Meet Mandla Ndlovu, our Editor-in-Chief at ZimScribes Online Magazine. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for diverse narratives, Mandla curates and leads our team in delivering captivating and thought-provoking content that celebrates the rich tapestry of Zimbabwe's culture, people, and experiences

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