Amos Chibaya, Jameson Timba fight over Chamisa Blue Movement

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A fierce clash is on the horizon in Nelson Chamisa’s  Blue Movement, pitting Jameson Timba and Amos Chibaya, as the fight for the control of the yet to be launched party erupts.

This time, Timba and Chibaya are at odds over critical aspects of the envisaged party’s organizational structure, in particular with regards as to the criteria to be used in the selection of cluster leaders.

This comes in the backdrop of Chibaya alongside Prince Dubeko Sibanda and Gift Ostalos Siziba, having confided in their respected trusted lieutenants of their ambitions to deputise Chamisa.

Chibaya feels he is the best man for the job.

A source close to the goings-on who spoke to this publication on condition of anonymity  said, while Timba was for the democratic route in the selection of cluster leaders, Chibaya favours a system of appointment, wherein leaders are handpicked rather than elected.

“Timba and Chibaya are embroiled in a heated dispute regarding the selection of cluster leaders and other key positions within Chamisa’s prospective party,” said the source.

He added: “Timba insists on transparency and inclusivity in the leadership selection process, believing that democracy should be upheld at every level of the new party structure,” the source revealed.

“Chibaya’s stance leans towards a more centralized approach, where individuals close to Chamisa would be favoured for key positions, thus consolidating control within the inner circle.”

The discord among Chamisa’s close associates has drawn criticism from political commentator, Terrence Chipwanya, who highlighted the irony of internal strife emerging before Chamisa’s political trajectory is clearly delineated.

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“It’s concerning to witness infighting among Chamisa’s lieutenants over positions, especially when Chamisa has yet to articulate his next steps in his political journey. This internal conflict risks undermining the credibility and cohesion of Chamisa’s nascent political movement,” Chipwanya remarked.

Chipwanya further cautioned that the ongoing disputes could impede the progress of Chamisa’s envisioned party, potentially leading to its still-birth.

“A movement vying to position itself as the next political alternative in the country cannot afford to be marred by internal squabbles. Unity and clarity of purpose are essential for any political entity seeking to gain traction and legitimacy among the electorate,” he asserted.

As speculation mounts and tensions simmer within Chamisa’s camp, the future trajectory of Zimbabwean opposition politics remains uncertain. The resolution of internal discord and the articulation of a cohesive vision will undoubtedly shape the prospects of Chamisa’s new political endeavour in the days to come.


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